One of the first things many people think of when they hear the name “Anaheim CA” is Mickey Mouse – and for a good reason. Disneyland Resort is located in this city and it brings more than 16 million visitors to the city each year. However, there are other sites that bring folks in, including the Anaheim Convention Center. Of course, Anaheim CA is far from just a tourist land – it is also home to many residential homes, museums, parks, and one of the top farmer’s markets in the state. Turn to ASJ Industrial Hose & Fittings in Anaheim CA for help with concrete hoses, hose and fitting supplies, industrial hose supplies, industrial hoses, hydraulic hoses, continental hoses, shotcrete hoses, gunite supplies, industrial air springs, and much more. Take advantage of our 35+ years of experience in and around the Anaheim CA area.