• 1033 E. 3rd St. Corona, CA 92879
  • (951) 735-1351
  • (951) 735-2406
1-800-953-HOSE (4673)

Los Angeles County CA

Though it is officially called the County of Los Angeles, the more common term for the most populous county in the U.S. is Los Angeles County. As of 2017 there were upwards of ten million people living within the county, which makes it more populous than 41 of the 50 U.S. states. Its GDP is larger than countries like Norway, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, and Belgium. There are more than 88 incorporated cities and more unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County CA. With more than 4,000 square miles within the county, it is larger than Delaware and Rhode Island combined. There may be options within the industrial hose community in Los Angeles County CA but ASJ Industrial Hose and Fittings Inc. is proud to be the best option. As a family owned business working throughout the continent since 1982, we are a full-line distributor for top of the line Continental ContiTect rubber products. You can turn to us for everything from air hoses to food hoses, from chemical hoses, and beyond in the Los Angeles County CA area. We also offer a full line of brass fittings, Chicago fittings, and others. Trust our staff to walk you through the options to ensure you find the best choice for your needs.


ASJ Industrial Hose & Fittings Located at
1033 E. 3rd St., Corona, CA.
ASJ Industrial Hose & Fittings Logo Phone: (951) 735-1351